Unreal Engine 5 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course

Company: Arora Software
Completed Unreal Engine 5 C++ Programming course and then built upon that framework by adding landscape design as well as additional weapon types, classes, abilities and effects to create an action RPG prototype.

Prototyping Action RPG Game
- Designed huge breathtaking landscapes using Modular Levels to load only the area near the player which allows for open world exploration at a fraction of the system resources.
- Used enemy patrol patterns, aggro conditions and attack AI to achieve dynamic enemy movement.
- Created custom attack animations using Root Motion Attacks and Motion Warping as well as Box Trace and Anim Notifications in Blueprints to create detailed attack animations with accurate hit detection and sound effects.
- Designed custom Niagara Effects for use with attack animations as well as items in the open world
- Finetuned foot IK system to achieve responsive foot movement on uneven terrain.